Yufei Ding | 丁昱菲

I am a sophomore in Zhi Class at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science(EECS) of Peking University, where I lead the Academic Committee of Intelligence Science and Technology (ACIST). I major in Artificial Intelligence, with GPA ranking top 5%. I am currently advised by Prof. He Wang at Embodied Perception and InteraCtion (EPIC) Lab, and was previously an intern at Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. My research interest lies in robotics and machine learning, with the goal of enabling embodied agents to tackle complex tasks in 3D environments.

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Open6DOR: Benchmarking Open-instruction 6-DoF Object Rearrangement and A VLM-based Approach

Yufei Ding*, Haoran Geng*, Chaoyi Xu, Xiaomeng Fang, Jiazhao Zhang, Songlin Wei, Qiyu Dai, Zhizheng Zhang, He Wang
Project Page / Video / Github
IROS 2024, Oral Presentation
CVPR 2024 @ VLADA, Oral Presentation
ICRA 2024 @ 3D Manipulation, Spotlight Presentation

We present Open6DOR, a challenging and comprehensive benchmark for open-instruction 6-DoF object rearrangement tasks. Following this, we propose a zero-shot method, Open6DORGPT, which achieves SOTA performance and proves effective in demanding simulation environments and real-world scenarios.

Simulately: Handy information and resources for physics simulators for robot learning research.

Haoran Geng, Yuyang Li, Yuzhe Qin, Ran Gong, Wensi Ai, Yuanpei Chen, Puhao Li, Junfeng Ni, Zhou Xian, Songlin Wei, Yang You, Yufei Ding, Jialiang Zhang
Website / Github
Open-source Project
Selected into CMU 16-831t

Simulately is a project where we gather useful information of robotics & physics simulators for cutting-edge robot learning research.


  • Leader of Zhi Class, Cofounder of its wechat public account and website.
  • Chairman of the Academic Committee of Intelligence Science and Technology (ACIST)
  • Founder of the EECS Survival Manual, which assists students at Peking University in exploring and achieving their goals by offering comprehensive information and guidance

  • Experience

    2023.10 - Present
    Research Intern
    Research Advisor: He Wang
    Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
    2023.6 - 2023.9
    Summer Research Intern
    Research Team: OpenMMLab
    Zhi Class
    2022.09 - Present
    Class Leader
    GPA Ranking : 1st
    Academic Advisor: Prof. Baoquan Chen
    Peking University (PKU)
    2022.09 - Present
    Undergraduate Student
    Major: Intelligence Science and Technology (Artificial Intelligence)

    Selected Awards

  • 2024: SenseTime Scholarship (Youngest)
  • 2024: Outstanding Presentation Award @ School of EECS Research Exhibition
  • 2023: SenseTime Scholarship - Most Promising Award
  • 2023: Exceptional Award for Academic Innovation of Peking University (Youngest)
  • 2023: National Scholarship (Highest honor for undergraduates)
  • 2023: Merit Student of Peking University
  • 2023: Grand Finalist in Peking University Pro-Am English Debate Competition
  • 2023: Second Prize in Ubiquant Programming Competition
  • 2022: Peking University Freshman Scholarship
  • 2022: Outstanding Graduate Award of Shenzhen Middle School
  • 2020: First Prize in Chinese Physics Olympiad (CPhO), Guangdong Province

  • Miscellaneous

    Apart from academic studies and research, I have a wide range of interests, including dancing, piano, and English debates.

  • I'm a member of FL Dance Crew at Peking University.

  • I have been playing the piano🎹 for 10+ years and has earned Distinction in ABRSM Practical Grade 8 (highest level), as well as multiple awards in piano competitions.

  • I enjoy English debate🎤, and I'm a member of SpeechCrafter at Peking University. I was awarded Grand Finalist in 2023 PKU Pro-Am English Debate Competition with my partner Tianhua Yang.

  • I have a real passion for reading📚, with particular interests in British literature, sociology, and philosophy. I founded a Reading Club at Peking University, where we organize regular reading workshop and invite distinguished scholars to deliver lectures & host discussions. We're actively looking for participants (both readers and speakers) on a broad range of reading topics, so please feel free to contact me if you're willing to join! Previous workshops could be found here.

  • We host the Zhi Talk series, inviting scholars from both academia and industry to share their research and personal experiences. If you're seeking an open platform to share your ideas, join us and make your voice heard!

  • This homepage is designed based on Jon Barron's website.